Performative Singing Trio

Ingver in Gverilke je performativni pevski trio z naborom avtorskih, po bakinih in po dedovanih pesmi. Bend po poteh Neferstva. Grupa se inspirira s šolskimi sistemi, vzgojnimi ter varnostnimi ukrepi, ljudskim izročilom in daje šanse skupnostnemu organiziranju. Premore več inštrumentov kot članic – harmoniko, pojočo žago, tamburin, sintisajzer in trostrunsko bas kitaro. Imamo tudi več sadik paradajza kokr je zemlje, nove grede so v nastajanju. Glas nam je prvi inštrument, od večglasja do improvizacije. Naši vplivi so Etno histeria orkester in zbor, bolgarske ljudske ter ostale ljudske pesmi iz Regije, Damir Avdić ter klubska scena od Sežane do Ljubljane. Grupa se je formirala s koncem poletja 2019, ma se poznamo že dolgo. Nastale smo iz dalje, v komuni na luni in stale bomo če bo treba, obstale pa dokler ne bo prelita zadnja kaplja rakije. Otrok pravičnik sedi v vročem zraku in se gunca. Ingver in Gverilke (Ginger and Guerrilla) is performative singing trio with a set of original and inherited songs. Band along the paths of injustice. The group is inspired by school systems, educational and safety measures, folk tradition and gives chances to community organizing. It has more instruments than members - accordion, singing saw, tambourine, synthesizer and three-string bass guitar. We also have more tomato seedlings than there is soil, new beds are in the making. The voice is our first instrument, from polyphony to improvisation. Our influences are Etno histeria orchestra and choir, Bulgarian folk and other folk songs from the Region, Damir Avdić and the club scene from Sežana to Ljubljana. The group was formed at the end of the summer of 2019, we have known each other for a long time. We were formed from afar, in a commune on the moon, and we will stand if there will be need, and we will remain until the last drop of rakija is poured. The righteous child sits in the hot air and swings.
