Martin Ladika (HR)

Martin i Leo za bolji svijet


Martin Ladika i Leo Hrs

Martin Ladika je šegrt stvaralačkih zanata i borac za prava svega obespravljenoga. Iskorištavanih ljudi, mučenih životinja, iscrpljene zemlje, pregrađenih rijeka, iskrčenih šuma, zabranjenih i zaboravljenih biljaka, krivo shvaćenih ideja... Iskustva borbe, iskustva života pokušava sabrati u zajedničko iskustvo pjesme i u društvu dobrih ljudi (Leo Hrs!) prenositi to iskustvo potrebitima. Njegove izvedbe lebde u međuodnosu poezije, glazbe, rituala, teatra, poljodjelstva i ljubavi. Nada se da će one sjajne procvjetati u polju kolektivne svijesti i budućim ljudima ponuditi plodove zdravijega života . Martin Ladika is an apprentice of creative crafts and activist for the rights of those whose rights have been taken away. Exploited humans, tortured animals, drained soil, dammed rivers, devastated forests, forbidden and forgotten plants, misunderstood ideas... He tries to gather experiences of life struggles into one shared knowledge of song, and in the company of good people transfer it to the ones in need. His performance hovers in the relationship of poetry, music, ritual, theater, agriculture and love. He hopes that these songs will flourish in the field of collective consciousness and offer future people the fruits of a healthier life.