Allja & Andreja: Odkrivaj svoj glas

Experiential workshop

Delavnica je namenjena spoznavanju in čutenju lastnega glasu ter kreativnemu izražanju. Poudarek je na igrivosti in spontanosti. Vabili bova k raziskovanju in opazovanju glasu izven okvirjev vsakdana in tako bomo skozi besede, gib, zvok oz. petje izražali tisto, s čim se srečamo v danem trenutku. Opazovali bomo spremenljivost glasu skozi različna čustvena stanja, ozavestili kako sem lahko z glasom podpora sebi in kako lahko nudim podporo in “zvočno nego” nekomu drugemu. Ozavestili bomo povezavo telesa in glasu ter kako s pravilnim dihanjem podpreti glas, da boljše zveni ter se manj utrudi pri petju. Skozi spontani gib in zvočenja v parih ter skupini in petja v krogu, bodo udeleženci spodbujeni k igrivosti in sproščeni ustvarjalnosti. In this vocal workshop you will get to know and feel your one voice and express yourself creatively. The emphasis is on playfulness and spontaneity. We will invite you to explore and observe the voice beyond the everyday, expressing through words, movement, sound or singing what you are encountering in the moment. We will observe the variability of the voice through different emotional states, become aware of how I can use my voice to support myself and how I can offer support and "sound care" to someone else. We will become aware of the connection between the body and the voice and how to support the voice with correct breathing to make it sound better and less fatigued when singing. Through spontaneous movement and sounding in pairs and group and circle singing, participants will be encouraged to be playful and relaxed in their creativity.

Andreja Kranjc, mentorica // Alja Petric, mentorica


Fri, 28.07.2023 12:00Polhstrešje